
Communications is staffed 24/7 and answers 911, emergency, and non-emergency calls while dispatching for the Bradenton Police and Fire Departments. In 2022, our Communications Section answered 18,867 Emergency 911 calls. 90,664 calls for service were entered for the Bradenton Police Department and 8,170 calls for service were entered for the Bradenton Fire Department.

Marine Unit

The Bradenton Police Department Marine Unit is responsible for policing the waterways within the City of Bradenton and providing aid to local, state, and federal agencies with enforcement issues in addition to search and rescue efforts. The Marine Unit is stored on a lift adjacent to our main station and readily available for a quick response.


The Parking Unit focuses on parking enforcement in the Downtown area. Areas of responsibility include the City’s parking regulations, tracking of issued citations, and citation payment collections. These functions are conducted by a Parking Enforcement Specialist, under the supervision of the Captain of the Administrative Services Division. All sworn Bradenton Police Department personnel also enforce the City’s parking regulations, but in a broader effort citywide.

Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence Unit is responsible for storing, tracking, and maintaining all incoming property and evidence submitted during investigations taken into police custody. Clerks label, categorize and store the items within secured areas to maintain chain of custody, remaining in departmental custody until needed for court or until they can be lawfully disposed of.


The Records Section is responsible for the processing and disseminating Investigative, Supplemental, and Traffic Reports written by personnel within the Bradenton Police Department.