“Fill the Truck” planned for Sat. 12/11

Date: December 9, 2020

Saturday, December 11, 2021, the Bradenton Blue Foundation’s annual “Fill the Truck” event will be taking place outside Bradenton PD from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Officers and Civilian staff will be collecting new unwrapped toys for underserved children in our community. In light of the ongoing pandemic, this year’s drive will feature a drive-thru, limiting contact with each other while still providing a chance to give back to our community.

If you cannot attend this event, but would like to donate a toy, there will be a toy bin located in the Bradenton PD lobby. There is also an Amazon Gift List that can be found on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Your gift will be shipped directly to Bradenton PD and given to a child in our community.



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